It helps the fetus grow healthy by creating a healthy body condition.

What about the prevention of early miscarriage
There is an average 15% chance of miscarriage early in pregnancy. 1 in 6 pregnant women have a miscarriage. Modern people's age of first birth increases as the time of marriage is delayed, so the probability of spontaneous miscarriage is increasing, so even if you become pregnant, you should be careful of miscarriage in the early days. Natural heritage is such as desperate, inevitable, and incomplete. Desperate miscreation is a case of vaginal bleeding early in pregnancy. This is distinguished from mooring, complete or incomplete miscarriage, etc., in that it is possible to maintain pregnancy. Incomplete misfection is a form of natural misfection in which the placenta is completely dropped, and the product of pregnancy remains in the uterus. A mooring misty is when the cervix remains in the womb while the cervix is closed; that is when the fetus remains dead in the womb. Miscarriage is also something that about 30% of women experience in their lives. Therefore, the focus should be on creating a healthy body condition so that the fetus does not experience natural miscreation at the beginning of pregnancy and creating a body that can grow healthy. And even after you have a miscarriage, you need to be prepared not to develop into a chronic heritage.
The reason why the miscarriage happens
80% of natural miscarriages, including mooring, occur within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, and chromosomal abnormalities account for 50% of early miscarriages. Therefore, you should not think of yourself as a sinner, and even if a miscarriage has occurred, it is desirable to continue to manage and prepare for the subsequent pregnancy. However, without chromosomal abnormalities, miscarriages arise frequently, and the rate is increasing. As the number of pregnancies increases, the higher the age of the parents, the higher the frequency of miscarriages and those who are pregnant within three months after full delivery often have miscarriages. In addition, it occurs when there are endocrine problems such as infection, uncontrolled diabetes, luthorm deficiency, immunological factors, and uterine deformities. Only taking good care of the mother's body during this time can lead to a healthy birth.
● Weakening of uterine function
● Chromosomal abnormalities
● Increased NK cell activity
● Elderly pregnancy
● Infection, diabetes, luthormon deficiency
Treatment Goals
"Strengthens the uterine immune environment and uterine function to maintain the conception of the endometrium and stabilize the fetus in the early stages of pregnancy."
● Normalizes the nutritional supply of the uterus by improving the uterine immune system and blood circulation disorders.
● Strengthens ovarian function and restores uterine health.
● Creates a uterine environment capable of maintaining pregnancy.
Treatment for improving the function of eggs and sperm quality
If pregnancy occurs with sperm that entered the woman's body a long time ago (sperm that entered the woman's body four days before ovulation) or with an egg that has passed a long time after ovulation. In that case, the function of the sperm or egg decreases, making fertilization difficult, and even if fertilization occurs, a spontaneous miscarriage occurs. There is a research report that shows that there is a high possibility of treatment to improve egg and sperm function.
Treatment to enhance implantation power
If the uterine function is weak or the body's immune system recognizes the fetus as a foreign body and excessive immune function occurs, a miscarriage may occur. Therefore, herbal medicine is prescribed to maintain the pregnancy well and strengthen the implantation power. Additionally, progesterone plays an essential role in maintaining the uterine lining after ovulation in a way conducive to the implantation of a fertilized egg, so acupuncture and herbal medicine treatments are used to help ensure the normal secretion of hormones from the ovaries. A more fundamental treatment is to ensure that hormones function naturally.
Prevention of prenatal labor and fetal movement
In Oriental medicine, vaginal bleeding is called fetal fistula and fetal movement, and treatment to stabilize the fetus prevents miscarriage. The difference is that with fetal movement, there is abdominal pain, and with fetal fistula, there is no abdominal pain and only light vaginal bleeding. Unlike pending miscarriage, threatened miscarriage, which is a type of fetal movement, is different in that pregnancy can be maintained. You can continue your pregnancy with herbal medicine while taking absolute rest. After confirmation of pregnancy, it is recommended to take herbal medicine for two weeks to 1 month in advance to prevent miscarriage. If there is even light bleeding, taking it as soon as possible is recommended.
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